Nominate a Person or Organization to Be Recognized by the Brooklyn Borough President

All across our borough, individuals and organizations are exemplifying Brooklyn excellence through service to our neighbors. Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso has the privilege of honoring these extraordinary Brooklynites and Brooklyn organizations through two types of honors:

  • Proclamations, which are granted in exceptional circumstances and recognize broad legacy; and
  • Citations, which are more commonly bestowed to recognize accomplishment.

These honors are only granted in the context of significant milestones; including but not limited to:

  • Retirement after more than 10 years of public service;
  • Notable anniversaries (greater than 10 years and ending in 0 or 5; e.g. 10, 15, 20, 25…)
  • 100th birthdays
  • Ribbon-cuttings / inaugural events

In anticipation of these special occasions, the Borough President invites you to nominate exceptional Brooklyn individuals and organizations for consideration to receive an honor.

Nominees must:

  1. Exemplify Brooklyn excellence.
  2. Demonstrate extraordinary service to our borough.
  3. Leave a lasting impact on our communities.

In order for a nomination to be considered, nominators should note:

  1. Submitting a nomination does not guarantee an honor will be granted.
  2. The Borough President’s office requires a minimum of 4 weeks to review and fulfill nominations.
  3. You may only submit one nomination per event / occasion.
  4. Your nomination request must be connected to a significant milestone, such as notable anniversaries, retirements, or other major life events.
  5. You must clearly demonstrate your nominee’s connection to Brooklyn and the exceptional impact they have had on our borough.
  6. Nominated organizations must have 501(c)(3) status.
  7. We will not award proclamations or citations to the same recipient more than once per administration.
  8. If approved, you must pick up your produced award in person at Brooklyn Borough Hall.
  9. Reprints and reproductions of citations and proclamations are prohibited without prior authorization.